Miss Universe 2012 from Las Vegas Nevada December 19th

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Mongo concept a contemporary proposal, with a touch of cultural enchantment

Pet a Mongo Monkey
Click on the picture to enlarge

At the Mesoamerican folk religion, a Nagual or Nahual (both pronounced [na'wal]) is a human being who has the power to magically turn him- or herself into an animal form: most commonly a monkey, turkey, or lizard but also other and more powerful animals such as the jaguar or a puma.

In modern rural Mexico, nagual is sometimes synonymous with brujo ("witch"): one who is able to shape shift into an animal at night, there is where the Mongo project fits in, Mongo is a venture develop by Adriana Higuera that engage several arts and crafts designers’ from different rural regions of Mexico, this artists using raw materials from their local areas, create this lovely animals named Mongo.

Higuera developed this cultural management project, assisting and supporting indigenous people from the Tzeltal, Mazahua and Otomi areas of Mexico, giving them information to market their products and with the help of another three great entrepreneurs’ Sandra Villa a graphic designer, Esperanza Villar a business mogul and Fernanda Paniagua a marketing expert, developed and conceptualized this project to document and sale this Mexican products around the world, creating this cultural trademark “Mongo”

Mongo involve so much more than just the sale of a product, every item in their catalog have a description of the region where it was created, but also includes a written message in a form of a poem or an epic from the artist who created t, so each artifact has a soul of its own.

Their catalog have an extensive choice of products that includes from this lovely Mongo pets to a wide diversity of home products so you can enchant  your house with this unique talismans or just design a special room for you to mesmerize your time on a unique space of coziness, relaxation and pleasure.

You can contact these creative entrepreneurs at their web site Mundo Mongo or write them at mongolife2011@hotmail.com

Pet a Mongo Beaver
Click on the picture to enlarge

Pet a Mongo Raccoon

Click on the picture to enlarge

Beautiful bed set and cushions
Click on the picture to enlarge

Mongo´s showroom at the International Tourism Fair of the Americas
Mexico City, Mexico 


  1. Great concept! Love it!

  2. www.blancoskilates.com.mxOctober 29, 2011 at 9:54 AM

    Blancos Kilates


Miss Universe 2011 in Sao Paulo Brazil watch it here

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